HIPAA Fax Cover Sheets:
A Complete Guide

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It’s important to use a HIPAA-compliant fax cover sheet template. These documents simplify the process of protecting your patient’s PHI.

When you’re sending faxes that contain protected health information (PHI), it is crucial to ensure that the patient information lands in the right hands.

Healthcare providers who fax PHI without including safeguards like a HIPAA fax cover sheet are vulnerable to fines and legal repercussions.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of using HIPAA fax cover sheets, some of the key elements to include in your fax cover sheet, and links to free templates you can use with your faxes.


What Are HIPAA Fax Cover Sheets and 
Why Are They Important?

A fax cover sheet is the first page of a set of faxed documents. It provides key information about the fax sent, like the name of the sender and intended recipient, contact information, and an overview of the fax contents. A HIPAA-compliant cover sheet includes more information than a typical fax cover sheet. It adds critical instructions for how the recipient should handle the document, ensuring any Protected Health Information (PHI) is safe from unauthorized viewers. 

A key component of a HIPAA-compliant cover sheet is a confidentiality statement, which indicates that the information in the fax is PHI for viewing and use only by authorized entities. This disclaimer allows senders to prove that they’re committed to protecting PHI.

When your document contains PHI, you should plan to include a HIPAA-compliant fax cover sheet on both physical and digital faxes. The details on the fax sheet let the receiver know that the contents of the fax are confidential.


Key Elements of a HIPAA Fax Cover Sheet

There are six key elements that a good HIPAA-compliant fax cover sheet should include.
These elements help ensure the fax is delivered to the correct recipient and that the patient’s private information remains secure.
We’ll break them down for you below.


Sender Information

The name and the fax number of the individual sending the fax. This can also be a business or company name and number.


Receiver Information

The name and fax number of the intended fax recipient. In the case of HIPAA faxes, the receiver may not be the patient but instead, another clinic or office. If sending to a physician’s office, include the office fax number and the name of the intended recipient (like a doctor receiving a referral or medical records).


Patient name and reference number

The patient’s name and the reference number of their case. This is essential when faxing documents between healthcare providers.


Date and time

The date and time you sent the fax makes it easy to keep track of and report on in the case of an audit. 


Number of Pages

Include the total page count of the faxed documents on the fax cover sheet. This lets the receiver know if they received the entire document or if forms or pages are missing.


HIPAA Disclaimer

A HIPAA disclaimer tells the recipient what to do if the fax was accidentally delivered to the wrong number or did not send all of the pages. In these cases, the HIPAA disclaimer helps to maintain the patient’s information privacy.

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3 Tips for Writing a HIPAA-Compliant Fax Disclaimer

When you create your HIPAA-compliant fax disclaimer, use these three tips to make it effective:

  1. Clearly State Your Intent: Make it clear that the fax contains protected health information (PHI) and that the fax is HIPAA-compliant.
  2. Include a Legal Warning: Add a statement that unauthorized disclosure or use of the fax documents is against the law and may result in legal action.
  3. Provide Instructions for Unauthorized Recipients: Include information in case an unauthorized recipient accesses the fax. Instruct them to destroy the contents and notify the sender.

How to Create a HIPAA-Compliant Fax Cover Sheet

To create a HIPAA-compliant fax cover sheet, follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose the right template. Above, you can pick from several templates and download the best fit for your use case.
  2. Fill in all of the necessary sections in a word processor or document editing application. Make sure to include the sender/recipient information, the date and time, and the HIPAA disclaimer.
  3. Include the required elements: the intent statement, legal warning, and instructions for unauthorized recipients.
  4. Customize the sheet to meet your specific needs, including uploading your company logo and changing the branding to match your business.

FAQs About HIPAA Fax Cover Pages

See All FAQ's

While the HIPAA act does not explicitly require a fax cover sheet, it is strongly recommended to use one when you send protected health information in a fax. 

Use a secure fax service like eFax to send HIPAA-compliant faxes, and include a fax cover sheet that indicates the fax contents contain PHI. Double-check that you have the correct recipient’s fax number.

No, not every fax cover sheet meets HIPAA-compliant standards. A compliant fax cover sheet includes a confidentiality statement, instructions for fax handling in case it’s delivered to the wrong person, sender and recipient information, and a sensitive information disclaimer. 

Unauthorized disclosure of PHI, which can lead to fines and penalties for violating HIPAA regulations, is one consequence of failing to include a HIPAA fax cover sheet with your sensitive documents.

Online fax services like eFax offer features that can automate HIPAA-compliant fax cover sheets for you. You can save them in the eFax interface and reuse them with each fax you send that contains PHI.