FAX.COM Cancel
Before canceling your account, be sure to save any fax documents you wish to keep. Once your account is closed, you will no longer be able to access documents.
Please be aware that if you are canceling your billable account in the middle of a billing cycle, you will still receive one final invoice prorated from your last bill date through your date of cancellation.
To continue with your cancellation please proceed with the following steps:
- Login to your account
- Select “Billing” in the top right area of the page
- Choose “Cancel my account”
If you encounter any issues, please click the following chat link:
If the chat link does not appear in a few seconds, please email us to cancel 24/7 at [email protected].
You will need your Fax.com number and the last four digits of your card on file to verify your account before canceling.
If you are considering canceling your Fax.com account because you experienced difficulties using the service, please give us a chance to help you. There is a lot of good information available on our Support FAQ or you can Contact Us and we will be happy to help!